November 15, 2011

Membership in MAKALAYA is open to all women workers regardless of occupation, industry, geographical location and organizational affiliation. Individuals or group may also affiliate with MAKALAYA. A socialized dues structure is adopted. Dues  Are based on graduated scale of the average gross monthly income to which the applicant belongs.



November 15, 2011

In line with the objectives of the organization and the varying needs of women workers, the different programs and services which can be undertaken for them, either as an individual or as a group, are the following:

  • EDUCATION AND TRAINING - deals with the acquisition and enhancement of knowledge, attitudes, and skills which will lead to their awareness, organization and action towards empowerment.


    1. WOMEN EMPOWERMENT TRAINING (WET) - which will focus on personal enhancement and e...

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November 14, 2011

MAKALAYA, is an altenative women workers organization specifically aims to

- increase unionists' awareness in gender issues and concerns;
- popularize and advocate women issues at the local, industry, national and international levels;
- empower women workers to strengthen the family as a basic unit of society and the labor movement as a progressive force in the Philippines;
- organize women workers and assume active leadership role within the union structure and integrate women concerns in uni...

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November 14, 2011

MAKALAYA believes that:

-alternative structures should be created where women and men can develop their full potentials as human beings;
-economic, political and socio-cultural structures must provide for equality of women and men in all spheres of life;
-there should be recognition, respect and premium in the distinctions of women and mend; and;
- there should be simulteneous initiatives in responding to gender and class issues.

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